Trained by the absolute best
I am a Certified Placenta Arts Specialist (APPAC), trained through the most intensive placenta arts program available, The Association of Placenta Preparation and Arts (APPA). Through this rigorous curriculum, I accumulated over 200 hours of study and training in placenta traditions, history, the current research supporting placentophagy, the various preparation methods and placenta arts, postpartum mood disorders, placental anatomy and physiology, processes to maximize the safety of placenta encapsulation, and proper sanitation protocols.
Dedicated to the safety of placenta encapsulation
I have completed an OSHA-approved Blood Borne Pathogens Prevention course designed specifically for placenta specialists and doulas. I am trained in safe food handling through I prepare every placenta according to the stringent standards set forth by APPA and all my sanitation protocols are OSHA compliant. My Standard Operating Procedures are available for perusal if you would like.

Clear safe storage protocols
Proper storage and refrigeration are essential for a safe placenta encapsulation experience. I provide easy-to-follow instructions in the client area of my website to ensure your placenta is properly handled until I begin preparation. I provide safe transport to my home workspace after your birth.
Thorough sanitation procedures
I follow the stringent sanitation protocols set out by OSHA and my certifying organization. All of my equipment is either single-use, or when that is not practical, thoroughly washed in hot soapy water and then sanitized by soaking for 20 minutes in an appropriate strength bleach solution. The bleach residue is then removed with a hot water rinse. The entire workspace is sanitized with the same strong bleach solution and hospital-grade disinfecting wipes before and after preparation. This protocol ensures no cross-contamination of my equipment between clients.
Absolutely no doubt
Your capsules are unequivocally guaranteed to be 100% your placenta. My training and certification organization requires that I only work with one placenta at a time. I never have more than one placenta being processed at any time, so time you can be assured that your placenta will never be mixed up with some else’s.
I also will never add anything at all to your capsules except your placenta. The lemon, ginger, and pepper are used only in the streaming water and are then discarded after use.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions?
If you have any questions about the safety of placenta encapsulation, or in any of my safety and sanitation protocols, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am confident in my practices and happy to share any information you may need.
Do you want to try placenta encapsulation in DC?
Silver Spring Placenta offers safe, reliable, in-home placenta encapsulation services all throughout the DC Metro Area. I am an independent, DONA certified birth doula as well as a certified placenta arts specialist with The Association of Placenta Preparation Arts, serving all areas of the Greater Metro DC Area. Preparing prenatally for the changes that your life and body are about to make is essential for healing, rejuvenation, and energy postpartum. Let me help you LOVE YOUR LIFE WITH BABY! I have provided caring, compassionate birth doula and placenta encapsulation services to dozens of families in the Maryland Suburbs, Washington, DC and Northern Virginia.
Areas I Serve
Washington, DC; Silver Spring; Rockville; Takoma Park; College Park; Hyattsville; Kensington; Bethesda; Potomac; Columbia; Gaithersburg; Montgomery Village; Kentlands; Germantown; Olney; Alexandria; Arlington; McLean; Reston; Montgomery County; PG County; Howard County; Fairfax County
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Families who choose to utilize these services take full responsibility for their own health and for researching and utilizing placenta.